PRiBOND’S PRi MICRO CONCRETE is supplied as a ready to use dry powder which requires only addition of clean water at site to produce a free flowing non shrink repair micro concrete. This is a cementitious material, with additives, which impart controlled expansions characteristics in the plastic state while minimizing water demand. This is specially designed for repairs to damaged reinforced concrete elements, particularly where areas is restricted and where vibration of the placed material is difficult or impossible

Flowable Mortar For Repairs To Damaged Reinforced Concrete Members


  • Repair to damaged reinforced concrete elements like slabs, beams, columns, wall etc., where access is restricted and compaction is not possible.
  • For Jacketing of RCC columns to increase load taking capacity (strengthening of a vertical member)


Clean tools and tile work with water while adhesive is fresh.


20 Kg Bag

  • Can be pumped or poured into restricted locations.
  • Flow able mortar hence does not require compaction.
  • Develop high initial and ultimate final strengths.
  • Offers excellent resistance to moisture ingress.
  • Makes repaired sections highly durable
  • Can be applied at 100 mm thickness at one stroke
  • Contains no chloride admixture.
  • Rapid strength gain to facilitate early reinstatement.
  • Gaseous expansions system compensates for shrinkage and settlement in the plastic state.
  • Clean the surface and remove loose concrete, any dust, oil, paint, grease etc.
  • Expose fully any corroded steel in the repair area and remove all scale and corrosion deposits. Shot blasting is highly
  • Apply PRiBOND’S Hydro Zinc Primer over the clean re-bars and allow dry before continuing.
  • Saturate the substrate with water to prevent absorption of water from the mixed material of PRiBOND’S Micro Concrete For a dry substrate.
  • Mix PRiBOND’S Micro Concrete with water (3 to 3.50 liters per 20 kg bag) till homogeneous mix is obtained, at 30 C
  • Mixing should be done thoroughly with a forced action mixer of adequate capacity, at least for 5 minutes.
  • Pour or pump the mixed PRiBOND’S Micro Concrete into a watertight shuttering in the repaired area, when primer area becomes tacky.
  • Cure the repaired surface for minimum 7 days.
  • Micro Concrete can applied in section up to 100 mm deep.
  • For thickness more than 100 mm, addition of pre calculated aggregates may be required.
  • Ensure that the shuttering is 100 % water tight.
  • Ensure full exposure of reinforcement steel.
  • Consult structural engineer if the diameter of rebar is reduced by more than 20% than original diameter.


Compressive strength


100 kg/cm2 at 1 day

300 kg/cm2 at 3 days

400 kg/cm2 at 7 days

500 kg/cm2 at 28 days

Flexural strength days

50 kg/cm2 at 28 days

% water absorption after 24 hrs


Chloride content


Depth of carbonation, mm

Passes the accelerated carbonation test

2 Hours


4 Hours


Coefficient of thermal expansion

10-12 X10 / C


13.5 liters

Use Gloves. Non-Toxic.