PRiBOND’S PRiTEX COAT-W is a special synthetic resin based waterproof coating. Because of its excellent flexibility and thixotropic nature, it is ideal for use on vertical as well as horizontal surfaces. It is single pack, very economical and pollution free water proof coating. Due to its white colour, it offers excellent UV Resistance & Solar reflectivity. Gives cooling effect due to the reflective properties.


Principal Application
Waterproofing for roofs ranging from asphalt, asbestos, cement to concrete & terrazzo tiles. Recommended for both horizontal and inclined structures. Waterproofing of roof slabs, terraces, balconies, sun shades, parapet walls, etc. Provides additional waterproofing and protection when used as base or intermediate coat in brickbat coba / IPS flooring. Waterproofing of new as well as old surfaces Waterproofing membrane for FLAT ROOFING SYSTEMS (Traditional and Inversed).

Nature of Substrates:
PRiTEX COAT-W waterproof membranes can be applied not only to concrete but also to wood and metal surfaces. With the latter a special primer is necessary.
Roof Pitches:
The membrane can be applied for all roofs to any extent of slope.
Condition of Substrate:
Concrete and cementations substrate are to be well compacted and at least 28 days old, with towelled finish. Wood panels or metal sheeting should be solidly fixed and cleaned. All surfaces must be clean, dry and free from dust or rust and oil residue.

Coverage depends upon the nature of the surface to be applied. But on average, smooth surface will give approx. 15 sq. ft. per kg (First Coat) & 30 sq. ft. per kg (Second coat). Two coats of the product will give 300 microns dft.

Asphalt roof surfaces to be coated with PRITEX COAT-W must be at least one-year-old and load bearing. Application when rain threatens should be avoided for all substrates. The application at temperatures below 5o C will result particularly in case of thick coats, incomplete film formation and consequent reduced elasticity of the film as well as the possibility of formation of cracks in the coating. Low temperatures and high atmospheric humidity (such as fog) will slow down curing rate, and vice versa. PRITEX COAT-W membranes are resistant to the abrasion or light pedestrian traffic. However, they can be damaged by heavy traffic, high heeled shoes and furniture, and thus should be protected by tiles, slabs, etc. in such cases

Asphalt Surfaces: Old asphalt surfaces and asphalt roofing felt after cleaning must be primed with PRiTEX W-COAT- diluted 1:2 with sweet water. This would strengthen the weathered surfaces. Blisters in asphalt roofing felt must be cut open cross wise, dried and bonded with suitable adhesive. After complete drying of the primer and bonded areas, PRiTEX COAT-Wis applied with brush, roller or spray gun. A brush with horse hair bristles will provide almost texture-free, smooth surfaces. Dilution up to 20% for 1st coat and 10% for 2nd coat is allowable. For spraying, PRiTEX COAT-W may be diluted with a little water. Higher dilution would lead to sedimentation and blocking of spray gun.

Terrazzo Tile Roofs:
Damaged or washed-out joints should be cleaned and repaired or re-grouted. After thorough cleaning to remove all loose material, prime the entire surface with PRiTEX COAT-W diluted 1:2 with sweet water. After the primer coat is completely dried, make two
coats PRiTEX COAT-W as previously.

Flat roofs with zero pitch:
Flat roofs without pitch, so – called zero pitch roofs, are roof surfaces where puddles may develop and which therefore pose special problems. Puddles after curing cannot be rectified which may necessitate redoing the entire waterproofing. Hence dry weather
condition is a prerequisite to help satisfactory curing and puddle free coating. Broom with hard bristles (example of stiff plastic) should naturally not be used for cleaning since in unfavourable conditions they may cause damage to the coating.

Metal Roofs:
1. Iron or galvanized iron: remove loose paint with a wire brush. De-rust corroded areas and prime with suitable metal primers.
2. Zinc or aluminium: remove loose paint with a wire brush. Remove corrosion if present and prime with solvent primer. Thoroughly remove moss and mildew with wire brush; subsequently clean the surface with a broom. After thorough drying of the primer,
application of PRiTEX COAT-W is carried out as previously mentioned.

Concrete Roofs:
After cleaning the roof surfaces, prime with PRiTEX COAT-W diluted 1:2 with sweet water. After complete drying of the primer, proceed as described under asphalt roof surfaces to apply PRiTEX COAT-W

Shelf life is 12 months in unopened container. Store away from sunlight and preferably below 30o C. Storage should be frost protected.

Appearance Viscous Liquid
Colour White, Grey.
Specific Gravity 1.10 + 0.10 (ASTM – D 1475-03)
Solid Content 63 + 5% (ASTM – D 1644-03
Elongation @ Break 3000 % (ASTM – D 2370-98)
Viscosity (Spindle No: 7; RPM: 10 25 C 50000 to 70000 CPS (thixotropic)
Curing Time Approx.48 hours
(At 20ºC, 50% RH) (ASTM C 4125) *
Drying Time @25º C. Approx. 2 hours (ASTM D 1640-03)
Hardness Shore A 55 ± 5 (ASTM – D 2240-05)
Tensile Strength N / mm² 1.99 (ASTM – D 412-98a)
UV Resistance 10,000 hrs. No deterioration or colour
Adhesion Strength N / mm² 66.00 (ASTM – D 903-98)
Pull Off Te N / mm² 2.704 (BS 1881:part 207:1992)
Water Vapor Transmission g / h – m² Water Vapor Transmission g / h – m²

The information given is based on our knowledge and performance of the material. Every precaution is taken in the manufacture of the product and our responsibility is limited to the quality of supplies with no guarantee of results in the field, as manufacturer has no control over site conditions or execution of work.